Audiovisual Core
Audiovisual Core
Audiovisual Core is a TDWG standard maintained by the Audiovisual Core Maintenance Interest Group. It includes a main vocabulary and several controlled vocabularies, as well as several guides that explain how the vocabularies should be used. The purpose of Audiovisual Core is to represent metadata for biodiversity multimedia resources and collections, and to make it possible for users to determine whether those resources would be fit for some biodiversity science application before acquiring the media.
Getting started
- Introduction to Audiovisual Core
- Term list: list of all terms included in the main Audiovisual Core vocabulary
- Usage guides: detailed guide to aims and uses and guide for structuring records
- Examples: work-in-progress pages to document how Audiovisual Core is used “in the wild” for still images. Pages for sound and video to come…
- GitHub repository: where Audiovisual Core is maintained. It includes detailed records of the development of the standard and information about the day-to-day operations of the Maintenance Group. This is the place to go if you want to become involved in improving Audiovisual Core.